Hyderabad Pollution Controls Limited

Cyclone Separator
Product Description

Cyclones Manufacturers, Cyclones Suppliers Polcons have installed a large number of Cyclones in Andhra Pradesh especially in Hyderabad.
Cyclones Manufacturers, Cyclones Suppliers Cyclones are most commonly used equipment in dust separation.
Cyclones Manufacturers, Cyclones Suppliers Some of our Cyclones are of remarkably high efficiency where only few milligrams of dust is escaping in the exhaust air.
Cyclones Manufacturers, Cyclones Suppliers High efficiency compile to International Standards of emission.
We can offer very high efficiency Cyclones for specific applications of critical duty condition. 
We Specialize in:
Hyderabad Pollution Controls Limited. is now a 30 year old company briefly called Polcons engaged in Design Engineering, Manufacture, Supply, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of industrial Air Pollution Control Equipments & Air Handling Systems 

This company was incorporated in the year 1978. In the last 30 year Polcons have installed hundreds of Ventilation Plants, & Air Pollution Control Systems in many large public sector undertakings & many more private enterprises

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